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TraktIt Release of Version 2.3.1
Version 2.3.1 of TraktIt contains the following fixes: FIX: display correct episode images FIX: improved scrolling performance
TraktIt Update 2.3.0
A new release of TraktIt reached the App Store. Major change in this version is the support 3D-Touch. Also Trakt removed the images from their API, so I started running my own image server. Read the following Tweets for more information. Images are removed from the...
Update 2.2.0 for TraktIt
Time for an update of the TraktIt app. It contains the following changes: NEW: use safari view for external urls NEW: bitcode support FIX: open a season on IMDB FIX: improved season list layout FIX: improved internal database performance FIX: improved iOS 10 support...
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