Using FFmpeg as a HLS streaming server – Overview

During the time a series of articles regarding using FFmpeg as a HLS streaming server has been published. This article is an overview on all published articles: Using FFmpeg as a HLS streaming server (Part 1) – HLS Basics Using FFmpeg as a HLS streaming server (Part...

Add a logo to a video using FFmpeg

Do you want to add a logo or and overlay to a video file? This article describes how you can do this using FFmpeg. How it works In this example we’re using a PNG file for the logo (can also be a video). You can also work here with transparency (in my case a...

Remove station logo from video using FFmpeg

FFmpeg delivers a lot of video filters including a filter called “delogo”. This one can be used to remove a station logo from a video. How it works First we need to define a square that contains the logo. Then the filter uses surrounding pixels outside of...